Saturday, 4 June 2011

Barbara Clough. My own poem, because we all have to try.

Barbara Clough
Loyal wife, out of the spotlight.
Pleased to be housemaid?
The old fashioned type
The angry, the jealous, the stay at home, wife!
Well, to say I was just his wife would be the understatement of the season.

I was more than that, I was his sweeper.
His Target man and his strike partner.
His playmaker.
His main man.
He was great at home.
But then he started playing away.
He said I had too much width,
That I could not handle the pressure.
Well, he was crap in the box
Fucking useless.

Total football? Total bollocks.

“I wouldn’t say I was the best manager in the business. But I was in the top one.”
Typical pig headed Cloughie.
His mates, Jesus Christ, they were just as bad.
Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels, William Grant, his loyalist allies.

My number one.
His number nine.
Straight home after the match
Brian wasn’t the only disciplinarian in the Clough household.
Then his liver went, he thought I would care.
Jack Daniels had bit him right in the backside

Good, I hoped it would bloody kill him

He had it replaced, but I would have the last laugh.
Finally relief at last
“I’m not the best in the business but I am in the top one,
then the stomach cancer came, Brian was dead, finished, gone.

Let me know what you think guys, any suggestions for improvement or any comments at all would be greatly appreciated!

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