Thursday, 22 December 2011

The Iraq War

Hello dear readers, I know this is primarily a blog of books but I would like to use my role as a blogger to highlight something truly shocking. The Iraq war is drawing to a disgraceful and bloody end with no obvious benefit to any country involved, including Iraq. The argument that America invaded Iraq for oil is rendered redundant by the fact they have year on year imported less oil from Iraq from 2003 onwards. The real cost of war can't ever be truly quantified but this is the best guess we have. Here are the figures.

US Troops killed in action: 3,492
US Troops injured in action: 32,000
UK Troops killed in action: 136
Iraqi Civilian deaths: 654,965

Financial cost of war by the US: $801.9bn
Real cost to the US economy: $3tn
British cost of war: £9.24bn

A costly war in terms of lives and finance. With the country on the brink of civil war it is apparent that America and her servants have yet again made a balls up of this. George Bush and Tony Blair are war criminals, no morally sound human being can argue the death of nearly 700,000 innocent civilians can amount to anything other than genocide. Never forget, it is our taxes which funded this illegal campaign.


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